These Past November Days…

embracing the crazy beautiful November weather. We did light school that week and went on adventures as much as we could. This adventure was the Hormel Nature Center in Austin. We hiked there before but never did this hike that took us out to an observation tower. It was so great and the kiddos thought a winter hike there might be fun too!

squeezing one last November fire…it sure got chilly quick but it was memorable and some light on these super dark evenings.

packing our annual Operation Shoe Boxes…we all went to Walmart (which is quite a novelty these days) and picked our items out. It is one of our favorite way of loving others this season and helps us shop for others too…Joy enjoyed unpacking all the shoe boxes as we packed them.

creating disguises for our favorite Thanksgiving craft. I keep the ones from previous years so we have a lovely flock of Turkeys staring at us. This was Henry’s first year making one. Henry’s=A man snow blowing ; Peter’s=A ninja and Anne’s = is queen Red Riding hood from Land of Stories.

the aftermath of our November Poetry Tea party…I forgot to get one of our actual tear party with guests. We had our Pastor’s Wife and Kiddos over. It was once again delightful filled with poetry and lots of eating.

this girl is FINALLY WALKING!!!!! It still shocks me to see it but we have finally hit about 99% walking and oh my is the this momma so so grateful and delighted. It also means that Joy went from being like a baby to a two year old all of a sudden. I also feel like nothing says two year old girl like carrying a purse around. It is my favorite!

decorating the Christmas Tree Fun…the kiddos are getting so BIG and completely decorate all by themselves (hot tip for parents: Ryan and I always set up the tree and lights the night before after kiddos are in bed because it is PAINFUL to do it while they are getting out all the ornaments asking when they can put stuff on, is it time yet, can i help….etc….this makes it much more enjoyable). We had special cider and dessert in celebration plus got an awesome in front of the tree photo! As per classic two year old, Joy enjoys taking off the ornaments and bringing them to me 🙂

after much overthinking and fretting and unknown…as per the result of ridiculous COVID and the fear induce media that is happening…we decided, if all parties were healthy then we would proceed with our Thanksgiving plans. It was the most delighted and needed time. We spent two nights at my mom’s and my sister Heidi came as well…so definitely still altered Thanksgiving but it was quiet and perfect. My mom’s house is such a place of peace and rest for us all. We had fires in the fire place, the kids played all the toys at my mom, we played games with Auntie Heidi, I talked and talked and talked with my mom and sister (Because this is what we do) and my husband got to shoot his new gun and just plain relax 🙂

Then we loaded up on Friday and headed to my sister’s house in SD. The cousins played bored games, made up beenie boo plays to go with Princess in Black books, we had shows in costume, they had after school STORY PIRATES where they talked to DJ squirm a lot, they played cars and went outside for hours jumping on hale bails and holding kittens…there was SO MUCH PLAY. My sister and I have worked for this relationship and it has so paid off because these relationships are true and solid…there were tears when we left.

As for the adults…we got in 8 different games..8 people! Plus we ate all the good food because Chris and Marisa know how to cook.

It was the best thing we could have done for our family and I’m glad we did it. Our mental and spiritual health are not something to be put on the back burner in attempts to only think about our physical health…this will not end well for our bodies and our communities.

Grateful we could give some attention to both those areas.

Published by thegrowinggrimms

I am a blessed child of God: married to a wonderful man, expecting a little one, supported by my great big wonderful family, involved in a great church, roof over our heads, and a job teaching English to 8th graders.

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