


The above pictures captures Anne perfectly as of late: a big blur of motion. I try to keep reminding her she is only 8 months old, and she has plenty of time to sit, play and well be a baby. However, I’m pretty sure she looks at me and just thinks, “Oh mom, I’ve got places to be.”

Her MOVEMENT has gotten me thinking a lot about movements. A year ago I wrote this post and the lack of movement I was feeling. One year ago, I wasn’t feeling her at all, and it was nerve wracking to a first-time pregnant woman.

My how a year changes everything ,and let me tell you our family has been through some MOVEMENTS. Some wonderful, some tragic, and some scary…but what I wrote a year ago is still true today: God is in control. He holds our movements in His hand whether they are what we expected or didn’t expect.

I was talking to a dear friend yesterday who is going through some great MOVEMENTS as well and she reminded me again of the importance of having our hand open to God and not clinging to what we hope or wish or know or plan. So true and such a GREAT reminder each day because I’m pretty sure my mom said that to me a week ago, but I need to hear it constantly.

Have a great weekend that is hopefully full of some MOVEMENTS.

Published by thegrowinggrimms

I am a blessed child of God: married to a wonderful man, expecting a little one, supported by my great big wonderful family, involved in a great church, roof over our heads, and a job teaching English to 8th graders.

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